Wednesday, April 4, 2012

On the Mend

I always manage to forget how bad it is getting the flu. This one was weird too- Harper woke up at 5am on Sunday morning and was done throwing up by 12 on Sunday, then we thought we were all ok til Monday afternoon when Riley started throwing up and it lasted about 7 hours, then we thought it was over and I started feeling sick on Tuesday afternoon and ended up throwing up ten (10!!) times last night. It was so bad! Then poor Rowan got it during the night and threw up 3 times, but he recovered really well and it barely affected him. My body was so sore and achey today that I just sat around all day. I didn't eat til 8:30 tonight because I had no appetite, but I'm feeling much better finally. I hate losing days of life to stuff like that, but oh well, it makes me extra thankful that we're overall in good health. It also has me thinking of how bad we eat and how much I want to change that. Why is it so hard to change bad eating habits??? I have a bunch of healthy food in the fridge waiting to be eaten this week, but so far everyone's been too sick to eat it!
I have a busy weekend ahead of me, Senior session tomorrow and Engagement sessions on Friday and Saturday and then Easter on Sunday! I am trying to finish up editing my last wedding but everyone being sick really threw off my schedule. I am seriously considering only taking 2-3 portrait sessions a month from here on out so I can focus on being a stay at home mom. It's so hard but I am praying about what's best for my family. I just don't know how I will be able to handle homeschooling working as much as I am now, and as much as I like shooting and making money, I can't put that before my family. Alright, well I should go to bed. I'm really hoping Nathan avoids this flu bug and doesn't wake up throwing up tonight! We'll see...
I don't think I ever shared these photos of the kids from early in March- Rowan totally cracks me up with those bubbles. I told him not to move a muscle til we blew them, so you can see his face go from pouting to pure joy, haha :)

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